Sunday, January 4, 2009

11i Interview Questions

1. What are the scripts do you use while Apps Cloning? prepares the source system to be cloned by collecting information about the database and creating generic templates of files containing source specific hardcoded values. Its location is $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/contextname/ creates the new context file used to configure the target system.

2. What is Patch?
Patch is a program which fixes the bug. ­­
3. Apps11i Post-Installation steps?
1) Shutdown all Oracle Application Processes
2) Apply Inter-Operability Patch(3830807)
3) Apply Discoverer Patch(3170128)
4) Relink all Oracle Appications executables
5) Restart Oracle Application Processes
4. Apps11i Post Cloning steps?
1)Update the profile options
2)Update the printer settings
3)Update workflow configuration settings
4)Verify APPLCSF variable
5)Update session_cookie_domain in icx_parameter table
5. Types of Patches?
o One-off patch: This is the simplest type of patch. It is created to resolve a specific bug.
o Minipack patch: This is a collection of one-off patches and enhancements related to a particular module. Alphabetic characters denote the Minipack version for the module; for example, the product code for the Application DBA utilities is AD, and version Minipack I of this product would be called AD.I
o Family Pack patch: This is a collection of Minipack patches for a particular family group of application modules. Alphabetic characters denote the Family Pack version; for example, the J version of the Human Resources Suite Product Family would be HR_PF.J
o Maintenance Pack patch: This is a collection of Family Packs that serves as a point-level release upgrade; Oracle Applications Release 11.5.10 is an example of a Maintenance Pack.
6. Contents of a Patch?
Readme files
Driver files
Metadata files
Replacement files
7. Modes of Patching?
Test mode (apply=n), With the Test mode, we can see the effects applying the patch will have on your system before applying the patch.
Pre-install mode (preinstall=y), Pre-install mode of Autopatch is used when the version of Oracle Applications AutoPatch works with is different than the version of Oracle Applications in the database. We use this mode during upgrade process.
Non-interactive mode (adpatch defaultsfile=$APPL_TOP/admin//log)
8. What are the drivers present in patching?
C driver copies the files and links executables
D driver runs the SQL scripts and programs that updates the database
G driver generates the forms, reports and message files
U driver is a consolidated driver containing all copy, database, and generate actions
9. Options of adpatch?


Prevents adpatch from validating all schema connections


Prevents adpatch from checking the existence of prerequisite patches


Prevents adpatch from compiling database objects


Prevents adpatch from compiling JSP objects


Prevents adpatch from running autoconfig after the patch has been completed


Prevents adpatch from compiling forms, menus, and plls


Prevents passwords from being displayed in log files


Allows adpatch to be run when the instance is not in maintenance mode

10. Minipack naming convention?
11i..A, 11i..B For example: 11i.AD.G, 11i.AD.H
11. Maintenance pack naming convention?
11.5.1, 11.5.2, 11.5.3
12. Family pack naming convention?
11i.. For example: 11i.HR_PF.C
13. Difference between adpatch and Opatch?
adpatch is utility to apply Oracle Application Patches
opatch is utility to apply Database Patches
14. What is the prerequisite to apply Opatch?
Database should be down
15. What do you do if patch fails?
Review log file(s) to determine the cause of the error
Fix the cause of the error
Restart adpatch
Answer 'Yes' when adpatch asks if you want to continue the previous session
Adpatch will skip already completed jobs, and pick up from where it left off.
16. How to apply a pre-requisite patch when adpatch is running?
Shut down the workers using adctrl
Then, drop the above tables, restart files and apply the pre-requisite patch.
Restore the two tables and restart files from backup & run the adpatch.
17. If you know that the patch has been applied previously but patch is asking you to apply the existing patch as a pre-requisite?
adpatch options=noprereq
18. While applying Apps patch using adpatch, if you want to hide the apps password, how will that be possible ?
Use adpatch flags=hidepw while applying patches in apps to hide apps or system password being displayed on Users Screen.
19. How do you reduce patch timings?
Merging patches via admrgpch
Use various adpatch options like nocompiledb or nocompilejsp
Use defaults file
20. How you put Applications 11i in Maintenance mode ?
Use adadmin to change Maintenance mode in Oracle Apps. With AD.I you need to enable maintenance mode in order to apply apps patch via adpatch utility. If you don't want to put apps in maintenance mode you can use adpatch options=hotpatch feature.
21. How do you know that a patch has been applied?
Navigate to sitemap > patches patchhistory
22. How do you find out which drivers have been applied?
Query the ad_patch_drivers;
23. How do you find out what patches have been applied on database?
$ opatch lsinventory
24. How to rollback the opatch?
opatch rollback
25. How to apply the patch?
opatch apply
26. How to go for the help on Opatch?
opatch help
27. Location of Patch History files?
$APPL_TOP/admin/SID/javaupdates.txt(for java related files)
$APPL_TOP/admin/SID/adpsv.txt(non-java related files )
28. Where do you find adpatch log files ?
Patch log files will be in directory $APPL_TOP/admin/SID/log
like adpatchXXX.log ( file name you mentioned while patching ), adworkXXX.log for worker log files
29. Location of Adpatch default logfile location?
30. Location of APPS password?
$8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME/report60/server/CGIcmd.dat
31. How do you know whether ur system is autoconfing enabled or not?
Run contextfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/contextname.xml
32. How do you determine whether your system is Rapid Clone enabled?
First, verify that your system is AutoConfig enabled. Then, Verify that the latest Rapid Clone Patch has been applied or not
33. If I have 5 databases, is it possible to point only to 1 bdump?
Keep the same location in 'background_dump_dest' parameter for 5 databases in pfiles
34. How to retrieve recent files?
ls -ltr
35. How do you know the kernel version?
uname -r
36. Contents of pfile?
37. Contents of controlfile?
Database name & Identifier
Timestamp of database creation
Tablespace names
Names & locations of datafiles and redolog files
Current redolog file sequence number
Checkpoint information
Begin & end of undo segments
Redo log archive information
Backup information
38. Why do you set Kernel parameters?
Oracle uses UNIX resources such as shared memory, swap space and semaphores for interprocess communication.
So we modify the Kernel parameters in /proc/sys/kernel. To setup these parameters permanently is use /etc/sysctl.conf file.
If your Kernel parameter settings are insufficient for Oracle, you will experience problems during installation and/or instance startup.
39. What is the purpose of find?
if you are in present directory, how do you find? find .-name
if you are not in present directory, how do you find? find -name
40. How to enable a new language?
Through License Manager
41. How do you take backup in LINUX?
By using tar or cp or cpio
42. What is Generic Service Management(GSM)?
GSM is an extension of concurrent processing which provides a powerful framework for managing processes on multiple host machines.
43. How to find out the version of a FORM?
f60gen------------------for FORM version
44. How do you find out if Form Server is running or not?
ps -ef |grep f60webmx
45. What is the Forms Server executable name?
46. What if the Form Server is slow?
Bounce the server
47. How to confirm if Report Server is Up & Running ?
ps -ef | grep rwmts60
48. What are Materialized views?
Materialized views are schema objects that can be used to summarize and distribute data.
49. What is deadlock?
When two processes waiting to update the rows of a table which are locked by an other process, then deadlock arises.
50. How do you create the user?
Navigate to Security-->user-->define
51. How do you delete an existing user in the applications?
Applications users cannot be deleted since records belonging to users are kept for security and monitoring purposes. The only thing to do is to invalidate the user by
assigning an end date to the effective period for the user.
Navigating path: Security -> User -> Define
52. How do you delete a responsibility from Oracle Applications?
Responsibilities cannot be deleted since those records are kept for security and monitoring purposes. However, responsibilities can be disabled by assigning an end date to the effective period
53. How do you tell what products are installed within Applications?
This information can be accessed within Applications from the Alert Manager Responsibility. Navigation Path: System--> Installations
54. What is Concurrent Manager?
Concurrent Manager is a program or process manager on application db server, that coordinates the concurrent processes generated by user's concurrent requests.
55. What is Standard manager?
Standard manager is the default manager which accepts all kinds of requests. It has no predefined specialization rules and is active all the time.
56. What is Transaction manager?
A Transaction manager is started on concurrent processing server and periodically reads the pipe (concatenation of Application tier and Database tier) for incoming transactions. It occurs only in 11i RAC configuration.
57. What is ICM?
ICM is the manager which controls other managers. If it finds other managers down , it checks & try to restart them.
58. What is Confict Resolution Manager?
CRM resolves conflicts such as request incompatabilities.
59. What is incompatability with Concurrent request?
When a concurrent request is being processed and another concurrent manager is trying to process same type of request, there is an incompatability with concurrent request and is resolved by Conflict Resolution Manager.
60. How to start/stop the Concurrent Manager? start/stop
61. How do you define a Concurrent Manager?
Navigate to Manager --> Define
62. How do you check the current status of manager processes at OS level?
63. How do you know whether Concurrent Manager is running or not?
ps -ef |grep FNDLIBR
64. Where do you see the requests?
65. How do you know whether Listener is up or not?
ps -ef |grep FNDFS
66. If Concurrent manager is not getting up, what might be the problem?
Apps Listener is not up
67. How do you determine whether the standard managers are up?
ps -ef |grep FNDLIBR (or)$FND_TOP/sql/afimchk.sql
68. What happens, if Conflict Resolution Manager is down?
ICM will take over the jobs of CRM
69. If ICM is down, what happens?
All the other managers will keep working. ICM takes care of the queue control requests, which means starting up and shutting down other concurrent managers.
70. What happens if user kills ICM?
Applications will be down
71. What is PMON cycle? This is the number of sleep cycles that the ICM waits between the time it checks for concurrent managers failures, which defaults to 20. You should change the PMON cycle to a number lower than 20 if your concurrent managers are having problems with abnormal terminations.
72. What is Queue Size? The queue size is the number of PMON cycles that the ICM waits between checking for disabled or new concurrent managers. The default for queue size of one PMON cycle should be used.
73. What is Sleep Time? The sleep time parameter indicates the seconds that the ICM should wait between checking for requests that are waiting to run. The default sleep time is 60, but you can lower this number if you see you have a lot of request waiting (Pending/Normal). However, reducing this number to a very low value many cause excessive cpu utilization.
74. Location of AutoConfig template files and its use?
AutoConfig uses template files to determine the basic settings that are needed. Its location is prod_top/admin/template
75. What is Auto Config? How does AutoConfig know which value from the XML file needs to be put in which file?
Auto Config is a configuration tool that supports automated configuration of an Oracle Application file system. All of the information required for configuring an Applications file system is collected into a central repository, called the Applications Context; there is one Applications Context for each application tier, and one for the database tier. When you run AutoConfig, it reads the XML files and creates all the AutoConfig managed configuration files. For each configuration file maintained by AutoConfig, there exists a template file which determines which values to pick from the XML file.
76. How do you change the port values?
Port values can be changed in the context file with the help of ContextEditor and running AutoConfig.
Navigate to Sitemap > Context Editor
77. What is Snapshot?
Snapshot gives a picture of selected Application related files in a given APPL_TOP
78. Location of Snapshot Information? $APPL_TOP/admin/SID/out/snapdnld.txt
79. What is the runaway process in CPU?
The process to which the memory assigned is not released is known as runaway process.
80. What is dbclone?
Creating same structure of existing database.
81. How do you know that you are in DbTier or AppsTier?
Through XML file, If DbTier=yes, you are in DbTier
82. How do you know the database has invalid objects?
Select * from dba_objects where status like 'invalid';
83. How do you compile invalid objects?
By running 'Validate APPS Schema' task in adadmin
Run utlrp.sql. Its location is $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
84. Location of Apache logs?
85. Why do you run catalog.sql, catproc.sql, pupbld.sql?
catalog.sql creates views and synonyms on data dictionary
Its location is $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
catproc.sql creates the PL/SQL procedures and packages
Its location is $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
pupbld.sql creates the product and user profile tables
Its location is $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin
86. How do you drop the user including contents?
Drop user XXX cascade;
87. What is use InterOperability Patch?
We apply this patch for the compatability between OS and Oracle

88. How do you know the database growth?
Query dba_free_space

89. In which mode do you up the database after creating control file?
startup mount
90. What happens when you give ALTER tablespace begin backup?
Datafile headers will be freezed.
Undo information will be written into redo log files.
91. What if the database got crashed after giving ALTER tablespace xxx begin backup?
Startup the database in mount mode and give the command ALTER tablespace xxx end backup
92. When you kill a particular process id, it is again restarted. How to solve it?
Kill the parent process by this command
pkill pid
93. How do you findout the installation is single-node or multi-node?
94. How to find Apache (web server) is running or not?
ps -ef | grep httpd.conf
95. If Apache is getting problems, which files do you look for to trouble shoot?
$ IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/
96. Location of HTML Cache in Oracle Applications?
97. Location of PL/SQL Cache in Oracle Applications?
98. How do you restart the Discoverer in Oracle Applications 11i? start
99. Location of audit traces?
100. What is the use of adutconf.sql?
adutconf.sql reports standard information about the installed configuration of Oracle Applications
101. How do you know the Jinitiator version?
Under $COMMON_TOP/html/bin/appsweb_SID_HOSTNAME.cfg, search for entry like jinit_ver_name
Under $FND-TOP/resource/appsweb_SID_HOSTNAME.cfg, search for entry like jinit_ver_name
102. How to find opatch Version ?
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch version
103. How to find out database version?
select * from v$version;
104. How do you know the OUI version?
grep -i version oraparam.ini
105. How do you the Apache version?
Type sqlplus after connecting to $IAS_ORACLE_HOME
106. How do you find out the status and process id of the adworkers? ps –ef |grep adworker
107. How do you connect to RMAN?
rman target system/manager@SID-----To connect remotely
rman target / ----------------------------To connect globally
108. When you run the convert character set, adadmin creates 3 files in the APPL_TOP/admin/SID/out. What are they?
109. Location of Non-OAM context editor wizard?
COMMON_TOP/util/editcontext------------------------Application Tier
RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/editcontext-----Database Tier
110. How to lock/unlock the scott/tiger account?
alter user scott account lock/unlock
111. Diff. between sys and system?
Sys owns data dictionary views
System owns the objects owned by oracle utilities
112. Diff. between sys and sysoper?
Sysoper can take backup of controlfile
Sys can take full backup of database
113. How to create a user through command prompt?
useradd -g groupname -d directory -p password username
114. What is softlink or hardlink?
A softlink is a file that points to another file. Syntax: ln -s filename linkname
A hardlink is a pathname that references an inode Syntax: ln filename linkname
115. How do you maintain multiple databases with single instance?
By sourcing the environment variables
116. What happens when you give commit statement?
Server process records the SCN & commit record in the redo log buffer
LGWR writes the redo log buffer entries & the SCN to redo log files
Oracle notifies the user that the commit is completed
Server process records that the transaction is completed & that the resource lock can be released
117. Multiplexing the controlfile using SPfile
Alter system set control_files=location
Shutdown the database
Create additional controlfiles
Startup the database
118. Multiplexing the controlfile using Pfile
Shutdown the database
Copy the existing controlfiles to a newname and location
Add the new controlfile name to pfile
Startup the database
119. Multiplexing the Redo log files?
If the log file is current, perform logswitch by using ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE
Copy the redolog file to the new location
Use ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE xxx TO xxx to make the change in control files.
120. What are the storage clauses do you specify?
local, uniform, autoextend, dictionary
121. How to find out the file version?
adident Header
122. How do you mount the directories through NFS?
mount -t nfs hostname:source destination
123. How to recover clone data?
Recover database until cancel
124. What is the utility to upgrade from one version to another version?
125. Contents of APPL_TOP?
environment files and products
126. What does APPLCSF mean?
127. How to change the APPLTMP, APPLPTMP?
utl_file_dir should be edited in pfile
128. How do you know the product versions, patchset levels?
129. Location of JAR files?
130. Location of US directory?
131. What happens when you give open resetlogs?
log sequence no. will be reset
132. How do you know that the particular datafile belongs to particular tablespace?
Query v$tablespace, v$datafile
133. If .dbc file is corrupted, what happens? and What should you do?
autoconfig should be run
134. What are AutoPatch Restart files?
Restart files store information about completed processing in the event of a patch or system failure. They allow AutoPatch, AutoUpgrade, and AD Administration to continue processing at the point where they stopped. Its location is $APPL_TOP/admin//restart
135. How to check whether all the processes are running or not?
ps -ef |grep smon
136. How do you know which user has which privileges?
137. How do you create Applications Context file?

Run $AD_TOP/bin/, after sourcing APPL_TOP & ORACLE_HOME environment files.

Then, the following values will be prompted for
ORACLE_SID used to connect to database
Full path to the Rapid Install Configuration file
Full path to the JDK 1.3.1 installation

138. What is OraInventory?
The OraInventory stores information about all oracle software products installed in all ORACLE_HOMES and other non-oracle products such as the Java Runtime Environment(JRE). The location of the OraInventory is /etc/oraInst.loc which points the location of Global Inventory.
139. What is XML oraInventory?
Starting with OUI 2.x and 11.5.8, the informatio in the inventory is stored in Extensible Markup Language(XML) format. The XML format allows for easier diagnosis of problems and faster loading of data. The inventory is XML if the following file exists $ORACLE_HOME/inventory/ContextXML/comps.xml Unlike the binary OraInventory, the XML inventory is divided into 2 distinct components.

Global Inventory or Central Inventory Local Inventory or Home Inventory

140. What is Global Inventory?
The Global Inventory is the part of the XML inventory that contains the high level list of all Oracle products installed on a machine. The Global Inventory records the physical location of Oracle products installed on the machine, such as ORACLE_HOME(RDBMS and IAS) or JRE. It does not have any information about the detail of patches applied to each ORACLE_HOMEs. The Global Inventory gets updated everytime you install or de-install an ORACLE_HOME.
Note: If you need to delete and ORACLE_HOME, you should always do it through the OUI de-installer in order to keep the Global Inventory synchronized.
141. What is Local Inventory? There is one Local Inventory per ORACLE_HOME. It is physically located inside the ORACLE_HOME at $ORACLE_HOME/inventory and contains the detail of the patch level for that ORACLE_HOME. The Local Inventory gets updated whenever a patch is applied to the ORACLE_HOME, using OUI.
142. What does do? is included with the OUI patch, listed as a pre-requisite to Rapid Clone. It should be run as part of the OUI Patch installation and performs the following tasks: Register the OUI program in the Global Inventory
Register the JRE in the Global Inventory
Ensures that the ORACLE_HOME in which the patch is installed is properly registered in the Global Inventory.
143. How do you determine if your system is autoconfig enabled or not?
Run contextfile=context
144. How do you determine if your system is Rapid Clone enabled or not?
First, verify that your system is AutoConfig enabled. Then, verify if latest Rapid Clone Patch has been applied.
145. Can you clone a multinode system to a singlenode system?
You can use Rapid Clone to merge multiple APPL_TOP and COMMON_TOP file systems into a single APPL_TOP and COMMON_TOP file system.
146. How does know the target system values? will prompt for the values required to create the new context file used to configure the target system.
Database SID
Domain name
Prompts specific to the DBTier
Target system database name
Prompts specific to the AppsTier
Database server node
Does the target system have more than one applications tier server node(Y/N)?
Is the target system APPL_TOP divided into multiple mount points(Y/N)?
APPL_TOP mountpoint
COMMON_TOP directory
8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME directory
Location of JDK1.3.1
Prompts common to DB and AppsTier
Port Pool Number [0-99]
147. What is Port Pool?
The Port Pool provides a way to use a set of predefined server ports. There are 100 port pools.
Port Name Default port numubers
Web Listener Port 8000
Database Port 1521
RPC Port 1626
Reports Port 7000
Metric Server Data Port 9100
JTF Fulfillment Server Port 9300
148. What is .dbc file? and its contents? How do applications know the name of the dbc file?
dbc stands for database connect descriptor file used to connect to database.
Whenever java or any other program like forms want to connect to database, its uses dbc file. The application knows the name of the DBC file by using profile option "Applications Database Id"
Contents of dbc file:
DB_HOST DB_PORT Location: $FND_TOP/secure
149. How to compile JSP in Oracle Applications?
Run script
Location: $JTF_TOP/admin/scripts
150. What is Web Listener?
Web Listener is web server listener which is listening for web services (HTTP) request. This listener is started by
151. What are the development technologies?
Java, D2K, HTML
152. How do you restart the installation?
rapidwiz -restart
153. Documents to be referred for installation?
Installation guide
Update Release notes
154. How do you set the path of /etc/oraInst.loc when it is not present and you dont have root access?
run ./rapidwiz -inventory_loc='location'
155. How to verify whether java is installed or not?
which java
156. How to findout the java version?
java -version
157. How to check whether the packages are available or not?
rpm -qa |grep ar/make/qa
158. Do you have to install JDK on all systems, when you are doing multinode installation?
Yes, mandatory
159. Location of installation log files?
$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/contextname-------------> on database
$APPL_TOP/admin/contextname/log-------------------------->on application
160. By using FNDCPASS, whose passwords can be changed?
Oracle---------Database tier
System--------Application tier
User-----------Oracle user
161. How do you switch the logfile?
alter system switch logfile
162. How to force the checkpoint?
By setting FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET parameter
alter system checkpoint
163. What is the purpose of
It shows whether the system is autoconfig enabled or not.
Location: $AD_TOP/bin
164. What is the difference between apps schema, applsys schema, applsyspub schema?
Apps schema contains only synonyms for other modules
Applsys schema contains all the fnd tables, administration schema
Applsyspub is the gateway to login to the application
165. Parameters regarding the performance tuning?
166. Why do you use scope=spfile, memory and both?
MEMORY: Set for the current instance only. This is the default behaviour if a PFILE was used at STARTUP
SPFILE: update the SPFILE, the parameter will take effect with next database startup
BOTH: affect the current instance and persist to the SPFILE. This is the default behaviour if an SPFILE was used at STARTUP
167. Steps to apply Patchset?
Patchset includes bugfixes for –
1)Unzip the patchset in /stage directory and run the runInstaller
2)Select the 10G OUI and again run the runInstaller
3)Select patchset
4)Startup migrate
5)Run the script catpatch.sql
168. What is Shared Server?
In Shared Server environment, the server process handles the request of several user processes.
169. How to enable Shared Server?
Two parameters should be set in pfile.
shared_server=no. of predefined server processes
dispatchers=protocol of dispatcher and no. of dispatchers
Then, tnsnames.ora should be modified


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